Independence Day of Kazakhstan

Since 1991 Kazakhstan celebrates December 16 as its Independence Day, after the adoption by the Supreme Council of the USSR of the Law on Independence and State Sovereignty of Kazakhstan.

Just for your information - here is how you write (say) The Independence Day in Kazakh language - Тәуелсіздік күні (Täwelsizdik küni) and here is how you do it in Russian - День независимости (Den nezavisimosti).

2011 was the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence.

This is the symbol of Kazakhstan's 20th year of independence.

Kazakhstanis officially celebrate this event for two days 16th and 17th December of each year.

Whichever part of Kazakhstan you are in, you just need to go to the local main square to see what's on and enjoy it. It might be too miserable outside to sit inside all day. ;)

It's not a warm holiday, if you know what I mean. As you may be let down big time by the weather.

On the 16th people go out to local squares where first there will be opening speeches by local authorities, and then public organisations and educational institutions hold their short entertainment programs. And then all the fun begins. ;)

People stroll round the city or visit friend and families. Later in the evening it's time to check the local square from more entertainement. Some companies hold their corporate New Year parties these day, as places will be overbooked closer to New Year.

17th December - this is when people start getting into big holiday mood. It's like a rehersal for coming New Year holidays. People do their New Year shopping, have their New Year trees up, do more family and friends visits or do winter related actvities: skiing, sledging, skating and more. Some just stay at home to recover from the day before to get fit to go back to work.

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